Human First. Tech Second. Real Connections Lead to More Conversions

Paid ads are just tools.

And your business is just a vehicle that allows you to serve people with the expertise and / or products you offer, in an exchange of value for money.

That's about it.

The thing is... nobody cares about what you do, unless you give them a strong enough reason to care.

After all, you ask them to pay hard earned money to fill your pockets. Nothing less. And screams sleazy sales.

How many people (including yourself) like being sold to?

We like the benefits we get in exchange for money, not feeling like another number on statement of accounts.

Point blank, we don't give a damn about businesses. Most people don’t.

No matter how many ads you serve them, if they don't click on your call to action, nothing happens.

All the people that "add to cart" do so because they choose to, not because of your award-winning campaign visuals and copy text. They choose to click because they resonated with something in your messaging.

Harsh, but true!

The ad idea may be brilliant (and many of them are), but if it doesn’t connect with your audience on a human level, you've just wasted time and money.

Of course, given the large amount of people in this world, the proability that you'll actually get (some) clients increases. Yet, how many of them actually stick around past the sale?

And, even more important, how many of them stand by your brand through thick and thin?

Not so many, unfortunatelly!

The thing with sales is that businesses need cashflow to survive, especially the ones that have products that average below 100$.

Overhead, vendors, software, employees, office space... you name it! All this comes (and exists) with a cost.

Yet the game is longer than monthly reporting. When all is said and done, we'll always remember that business that made us feel something, that spoke to our fears or our desires.

Those businesses that you and I come back to again and again because of their client experience.

And that, my dear, is not achieved mainly through paid ads.

But by long-term human connection.

By echoing basic human emotions and serving specific needs that paint a vivid picture of who your business is inside their minds. In such a way that it becomes irreplaceable.

Because, you know what? When it comes to branding, differentiation and a clearly defined brand identity always win in the long run. And trump paid ads.

We have an entire year to talk more about this. What’s your opinion? Do tell!

See you tomorrow!


P.S. And then, after building that real connection, by all means, scale it up with paid ads. But not before.


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