A Dialogue About Branding, Wine and Stories. And a Strategic Approach

Grab a seat. We have a lot to talk about! … Oh! Silly of me not to ask! Would you like some wine? So here’s how I got into this…

Before going full-time as a creative entrepreneur, I always searched for the best story I could tell.

The search led me to be part of many wonderful companies, be them tele-comm., creative marketplaces, health NGOs, tech startups, or my own two lifestyle blogs.

A few years down that path, I decided to become a professional brand storyteller. To have a creative business where I could welcome people & listen to their stories.

The first two iterations were about portrait photography & graphic design. Then came the lifestyle brand aimed at young people living with Multiple Sclerosis and years of advocacy.

Together with my ease of putting emotions on paper, all these got distilled into brand building, using words, visuals and imagery to storytell the narratives we all have within ourselves. Especially creative people.

You may think a brand must be constructed artificially. Yet the process is quite organic. And relational. Only the final step is transactional, and that’s what we all know as a sale.

But way before we exchange hands for money, it all starts with a story. And it continues with another, resulting in... wait for it... Yet many other stories.

The first one is your origin story. The second one is your client’s, and the ones that come next are the stories that clients will tell about their experience with you. All these stories come from building a solid brand foundation.

I’ve always seen the stories within people. And as my career went into Communication & Marketing, that followed the organic process of becoming a strategic brand storyteller: seeing the story within who people are, filtering through strategy, and storytelling it via content & visuals.

I’ve always been a storyteller, always wanted to follow my creativity and make a living out of it. Build a business and a life around what I love to do best: tell stories.

That drive never left me, and in less than 6 years I became a certified brand strategist and storyteller, ready to help you advance YOUR creative journey.

I want to help you build a solid brand foundation that guides your creative vision and goals, as well as a compelling story that translates it all to the right people.

You need a roadmap. And that’s where brand strategy comes in. We’ll outline the essential things you need to have in place in order to grow your business.

That’s why I started OSCAR & SMART. So you can let go of all the constant iterations, grow a profitable business and go after the creative life you want, no matter the struggles you face.

I felt the need to create a service that allowed brands to tell their stories on a human level, above salesy & commercialy-focused marketing and communication strategies.

And then… wine happened! :))

So I created a project, NewFrolic, an online connection point between the wine industry and wine consumers, leveraging brand storytelling that allows them to resonate on a human level, translating wine and strenghtening sales opportunities that can THEN be accelerated via paid advertising.

So this 365 journey is about learning to help you best focus the brand & story that you communicate and market.

It’s a dialogue about branding, wine and stories. And a strategic approach.

Let’s paint pictures inside people’s heads using strategic brand storytelling!

See you tomorrow!


P.S. Yes, yes! I missed one day. Regroup and continue. That’d why today’s post was a double one. Cheers!


What If Marketing Was More Relational? This is NewFrolic.


The Post That Almost Didn’t Happen. A Few Thoughts on Creative Resistance