The Post That Almost Didn’t Happen. A Few Thoughts on Creative Resistance

You know it! It comes to you every time you create. Making you think you’re not good enough to start your creative business or build your brand.

But you know what?

It is dead wrong! Let me tell you why...

When you’re a creative, your art IS your business, and you will treat your business LIKE your art.

And like in any creative process, building your brand will be taken by the throat by the Resistance. If you’ve read Stephen Pressfield’s book, “The War of Art”, you know what I’m talking about!

If not, it’s actually quite simple. Hmm, you might know it as procrastination, or delaying to do the task, or (some say) lazyness. Of course these things do happen, and sometimes they signal that what you’re trying to do is pointless.

I’m not arguing with common sense here. But with that dread that covers your mind when you’re excited to start something, with that feeling of not being good enough… or, better said, with the impostor syndrome.

This post almost didn’t happen. It’s day four of the NewFrolic 365 project, and the questioning already begun: “You don’t have a schedule!” … “You don’t know what to write about!” … “Who will read ANY of your nonsense?” … “Maybe you should stop!?”

And on and on it goes. But…

What am I doing here, as you just go over these words? I’m writing! I’m showing up no matter what any doubt whispers, shouts, or makes me feel.

I’ve done this before, and the reward trumps the dread. We’re creatures of comfort, but when we give in to instant gratification, we’ll surely get disappointed.

My advice when this happens to you? Sit down and start writing, editing, researching… whatever your craft may be! Start working on the smallest thing you can do, and… lo and behold! You’ll keep going.

See how this post ACTUALLY happened? 😉 I showed up to give. To create. Ease into it and it will get better. It will also get worse, and you’ll feel like giving up.


Take a chance on that crazy idea of yours. That side-project you keep postponing, thinking that it’s not worth it. Small steps each day. It compounds.

See you tomorrow! Cheers!


A Dialogue About Branding, Wine and Stories. And a Strategic Approach


How Can You Create and Live Your Life By Design Using Branding? | NewFrolic | Day 3/365