Brutally Honest Truths About Being An Entrepreneur (And Why We Love It!)

Who said entrepreneurship was easy? They lied! Yet, when our goals and lifestyle design match the need to build a business of our own, it’s all worth it, isn’t it?

Even with that, we’ll still struggle with what idea to put forward, what are we offering, how will we make money, how will we be able to live the life we want.

Yep! At some point we’ll hiperventilate. We’ll panic. We’ll cry. We’ll be angry. Feel lost. Alone. Even stupid. Yet why do we do this to ourselves?

It’s about passion. About building something bigger than ourselves. It’s about being useful & empowering. And it’s about the legacy we want to leave in this world. Yep! Philosophy!

Most entrepreneurs have it. We’re visionary and sometimes idealistic. We do not want to conform. We want to lead. We want to be the rebel leaders with a kind heart.

Because dreams matter. And this thing we’re building is part of who we are. We crave self-expression. We run away from mediocrity. We want freedom and to serve others using our skills. And then make a living out of it. We want to give, to create and lead the way.

It’s just a path we choose. Yet it takes work. Focus. And most of all, clarity. Where does clarity come? From building a strategic brand.

Welcome to OSCAR & SMART! Let the branding be-gin! See you on the next post! Cheers!


About Starting a Business & Feeling the Pull