Strategic Personal Branding For Creative Entrepreneurs. Why Do You Need It And How Can I Help?

It all begins with the need to serve and share. Businesses are transactional, yet they are also relational. Picture this…

You have that wonderful idea, you scout the market for others who do the same, you think of the person who would be your ideal client and what can you do to help them using your skills and expertise.

In the world of creativity, you can use personal branding to bring your ideas into a coherent expression, focused within the market and speaking directly to your ideal clients.

The like-minded people that see the value of your work beyond the monetary aspect. You can create a character, a story and an outcome.

That’s how you can connect ideas with clients.

As a creative, you are an alchemist. You blend skills with ideas, resulting in the expression of the human soul. Although it’s intangible, it finds its value for the people who cherish its effects.

As a creative entrepreneur you are an artist. You are the one who wonders, who experiments, and who feels deeply.

Yet you also want and need to make a living. Do not be fooled!

You might seem to be a dreamer, but you are also a realist. You are the one with your head in the clouds…

But with your feet strongly rooted within the ground.

You are the one who takes your talents and builds a business out of them.

Once again, you alchemize art with transactions. Yet what stands in between is your need for clarity in how you communicate it all outside your head.

How do you talk about and market creativity? How do you let people know the value of what you do?

I want to help you, creative entrepreneur, tell better stories about your business.

In my case, what people are paying for is the provision of the personal brand and messaging strategy service itself.

All the knowledge that I have I’ve been either taught by someone, self-studied or gathered by practical experience working with clients and also on my own personal brand.

I am not regurgitating information I’ve read, but I’m blending and adapting all my knowledge to suit you.

I am passionate about stories and how these can attract your audience’s attention, so offering strategic brand storytelling came as a no-brainer.

I merged two of my core skills: telling stories and organizing information into coherent structures.

And so, I became a personal brand and story strategist for creative businesses.

Why the creative sector? Because I’m part of it myself. I live it, breathe it, admire it, and know the inherent struggle of being able to harness creativity into something tangible.

Be it words, images, graphics, fabrics, movie-making, acting… making something out of thin air, out of an idea that was germinating inside your head.

I also understand your pull of wanting creative freedom, being able to design a lifestyle and professional life so that you are able to dedicate your time to innovation and creating something unique.

I also know how individualistic yet collaborative the creative world is.

I’m able to see how the creative industries are here to last, especially given our ever-more digitalized society.

In this context, creative work has even more value, as it leads the way to change, to social transformation via the use of creativity.

I also know the practical aspect of these things: as any other person, you have to make a living.

And for as far as I can remember I’ve seen people building lives around creative expression.

Some successful, others falling into the damned artist identity. The thing that always stood out for me was the never ending passion that drives creatives.

That also drives me.

It’s all-consuming, yet at the end of the day it’s the most rewarding, isn’t it?

What you create has never been there before. You might use words, or brushes, or fabric, or digital programs, a camera, or our own body in performance, to create something that resonates with people, that helps them escape their everyday life, or that gives them the opportunity to remember who they were. You allow people to dream of what is, was and might be.

My goal is to help you, dear creative entrepreneur, to bring your story to life, to be able to design that lifestyle around your talents, so that you can grow your business, make a profit and continue bringing wonder into the world.

Either through books, movies, commercials, paintings, theatre, music, dance, you name it!

Creativity has always been around and is here to stay. You need a strategic personal brand and story to stand-out. Are you up for the challenge?

First step? Get instant access to my


The Maverick Brand (R)evolution

The 3 Strategic Brand Elements That Attract the Right Audience, Connect on a Human Level and Grow Your Creative Business (plus a 12-question quiz to assess the state of your brand)


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About Starting a Business & Feeling the Pull