How Can You Create and Live Your Life By Design Using Branding? | NewFrolic | Day 3/365

What if you could just wake up one day and have full control over your lifestyle and time, while fulfilling your career goals and maximizing your earning potential? Just think about it…

It’s early in the morning and the rest of your house is asleep. The sound of your breath is the only thing that breaks the silence that surrounds you.

Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Freedom. And in all that you know that time is yours to take and make use of it to achieve your goals.

As you brew your first cup of coffee you go through the last chapter of that intriguing non-fiction you bought last week. Pretty good one. Money well spent. Time well spent. Your time.

Can you picture what your ideal morning would look like? Because I want to let you know it’s all achievable.

You may ask me… what’s the catch, Denisa? Of course it would be nice to have such a life, but I have to work to make a living, I have responsabilities!

Fully agree, my dear reader. Fully agree! The catch? Even dreams take work. I’m not telling you about make-believe… but about make-happen. Step by step!

How? Well, the method I know is branding. Why? Because it builds you up incrementally, day by day. It creates a way to connect with the people that need your expertise.

No, I’m not talking just about starting your own business, but also about strenghtening your place at work. Branding is a very quirky tool to use, but its long-term strategy has compound effects. It builds up your reputation.

What people know about you matters. Of course we cannot tell them WHAT to think, there’s this thing called free-will.

But! We can influence their perception. I didn’t say manipulate, but storytell. What people get to know about you, the way they perceive you… can be managed, steered, communicated.

Yet… for such a “vehicle” to work, it needs a stable foundation. A strategy. No, we’re not going to any interpersonal war, it’s more like learning how to present ourselves to the people around us. Be them family, friends or colleagues.

Strategy you say, Denisa?! What’s that about? Sounds like a LOT of work!

No, not really! In just a few steps, you can build that firm base from which you can continue to build messaging, showcase your expertise and who you are as a person, painting a vivid picture of yourself in people’s minds.

And how do we usually connect with others? Through common ground, similarities, you know the drill! You meet someone and you just “click”. That type of resonance is what I’m talking about here. And it can be done easily.

Mind you that I said “easily”, not “fast”. We’re not going after hacks here. Just genuine human connection based on commonalities and fulfilling a need.

Because branding is about human connection. About trusting the ones that believe what you believe. Not about your logo! That’s the visual part.

But how do you do it? Well, my dear! We have 362 more days to find out. As NewFrolic gets published daily, come back to find out all the steps. We’ll talk branding, wine and storytelling.

Now, until tomorrow… Let me know what made you curious (if any), and what would you like to see more info about? Tell me in the comments!




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